Get to Work!
A deep look into Grizzco Industries and everything you need to know to be a true Eggsecutive VP!
Get to Work is a fanmade collection of artwork and tips for Splatoon's Salmon Run Gamemode. The contents of this project will include parody advertisements, interviews, and other content to mimic the format of a real magazine. We also aim to include an in-depth strategy guide to help you rise the ranks at Grizzco Industries and proudly wear the Eggsecutive VP title!

Frequently Asked Questions
Is this for project for profit or charity?Our project is for profit. For a detailed explanation on compensation, see below.
Will there be a digital or physical copy of this zine?Both, though our focus is delivering a physical product.
What are the specs of the book?7x10" vertical format, perfect bound, and around 100 pages.
How many contributors are you looking to recruit?We're looking for around 35 page artists, 10 merch artists, and 10 spot artists.
How will topics be selected?Since we're looking for very specific concepts (ie. advertisements, interviews, etc), you'll have the option to select compositions you're confident in creating. Upon entry into the zine's discord server, you'll have the opportunity to pitch your idea for your assigned page theme.
What are you looking for in applications?We have a detailed application guide here.
Are collaborations allowed?Although our zine will have written elements, we will not be including collaborations between contributors. Our format Mod Grapes will work with you to discuss text layout if needed.
What merchandise will you be including?We're looking to create stickers, charms, and pins for our project, though we're exploring the possibility for other merch items. Our interest check will help determine which merch makes the cut.
Are you going to include content from Splatoon 2's Salmon Run?We're considering it, though due to budget and interest, we may only feature/prioritize content from Salmon Run: Next Wave.
Our project is for profit. Funds will initially be used to cover all expenses for production and shipping, including a copy of the zine and merchandise for each contributor. The remaining funds will be divided into shares at the end of the project. Each moderator job is worth 1.5 share, and each contributor job is worth 1 share. If you take on multiple jobs, you will receive multiple shares.As funds allow, contributors will be compensated with a physical copy of the zine, merchandise, and leftover profit. Contributors may opt out of their physical copy of the book and merch bundle, in which case the production cost for the items will be added to their total profit. Contributors may also opt out of payment entirely and have their share donated to their charity of choice instead. Contributors are allowed to order more copies of the book or merchandise at production cost, but must be responsible for covering extra shipping fees induced for larger parcels.Payment will be sent through PayPal via Goods and Services. All participants must be 18 years of age or older by the time of the payout period, estimated around Late Summer 2024 (as per PayPal's guidelines). If you are under 18 years old, you may have payment sent to your parent/guardian's PayPal address, or receive payment via Gift Card. All contributors may opt out of payment entirely and have their share donated to a charity of their choice.A financial breakdown for contributor compensation will be provided at the end of the project. By applying to our project, you understand and agree to these terms.

This outlines the timeline of our project. Exact dates may be subject to change. We'll be sure to announce any major changes and update our social media accordingly.

Event | Date |
Project Launch | Sept 1 |
Interest Check | Sept 6 |
Applications | Oct 11 - Nov 8 |
App Results | Nov 22 |
Concept Check | Dec 13 |
Wave 1 | Jan 10 |
Wave 2 | Feb 7 |
Wave 3 | Mar 20 |
Final Wave | Apr 17 |
Preorders | Jun 28 - Aug 2 |
Production & Shipping | Autumn 2024 |
Leftover Sale | End of 2024 |
Hi there, I'm PsandaBear! I draw silly little squids and have an addiction for Salmon Run. I think that sums up the reasons why I'm here. Now, let's get to work!Previous experience:
‣ Yumtendo Cookbook: Host
‣ Where the Tide Meets the Stars: Merch
‣ Splatoon Planner: Merch

Host, Organization, Social Media, Shipping & Finance

Promo Art Mod
Malicious entity named Grimlo is summoned from the deepest part of the seas to create disturbing images that will attract more salmon bosses and kings than ever. Legends say that their most proud skill is being able to whistle the entirety of happy little workers tune and that's what makes their creations especially eerie.Previous Experience
‣ Getting obscure visions and smearing them on canvas for Yumtendo Cookbook
Heya, I’m Grapes with an unhealthy love for Salmon Run! I love doing art projects, splating fish, and stealing eggs—so it was a no-brainer to be a part of this opportunity. I’m excited to contribute to this project and can’t wait to see how this amazing Salmon Run zine will go!Previous experience:
‣ A Year In Hyrule Planner: Graphics
‣ Twisted Wonderland Planner: Formatting
‣ Yumtendo Cookbook: Graphics

Format Mod

Promo Art Mod
Hiya I'm Audrey and I like to draw! Splatoon 3's Salmon Run has been SUCH a game-changer for me and I've slowly been starting to obsess over it. I have a lot to learn regarding strategy and tactics so I am very excited for this project!Previous Experience
‣ Splatoon Planner: Promo art
‣ Octo Canyon Zine: Cover art
Yeehaw, my name is Lilo! I'm a huge lover of Splatoon, and especially Salmon run! Spent countless hours stealing everyone's eggs so I can get the highest score, om nom nom. I'm here to spread the knowledge and love for the running of the salmons!Previous experience:
‣ Splatoon Meme Zine: Host/Contributor
‣ Top 5% in Big Run and Eggstra Work events
‣ Multiple 999s from SR and SRNW

Strategy Guide Content Creator

Strategy Guide Writer
Hello, hello! My name is Stell and, while I have no prior zine experience, I am intimately familiar with the ins and outs of Grizzco Industries. I’m excited to make a splash by contributing to this zine both through my writing and through my passion for Splatoon 3’s Salmon Run!Previous Experience
‣ Top 5% Results in Big Run
‣ Top 5% Eggstra Work Events
‣ Survived Hazard Level Max numerous times
Application Guide
This guide is intended to be used as a reference when building your portfolio and submitting your application. Please refer to this as needed, but take note that tips outlined here are for Get to Work zine only, as other projects may have different expectations or requirements.

Artist Applications
Building a portfolio
Our application requires a portfolio submission. To get started, you'll need a platform to present your work. You can build your own website with Carrd, Weebly, Wix, etc. These services allow for extensive customization when building your portfolio. Alternatively, you may use social sites such as Deviantart galleries, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Please ensure that your artwork is readily accessible if you choose to use social media as your portfolio. You may also upload your images to Google Drive with viewing permissions turned on. If your links do not work, we will not be contacting you to make adjustments.
Portfolio Contents
A portfolio is a collection of your best pieces. Here's what we'll be looking for in your application:General Portfolio Requirements
‣ Portfolios must be SFW. This zine is intended for all audiences and any portfolios containing NSFW content will automatically be disregarded.
‣ Your portfolio should contain at least three finished pieces that display your current style and skill (or the style you intend to use for the zine).
‣ All traditional art must be scanned at 300 DPI or higher (applicable to page art only).
‣ 3D art is welcome but must be entirely original (no SFM, MMD, copyrighted assets, etc.).Page Artist Recommendations
‣ Character-driven artwork, displaying interaction with props, other characters, or the environment.
‣ Pieces that display your unique style, skill, and interests.
‣ Detailed backgrounds, good composition, and thematic environments.
‣ Pleasing color palettes or good use of color.
‣ General Splatoon fanart.Merch Artist Recommendations
‣ Art style that works well when printed on merch (ie. simplified details, good use of line weight, design, etc.).
‣ Pleasing color palettes or good use of color.
‣ Appealing expressions and body language.
‣ Strong silhouettes.
‣ General Splatoon fanart.
‣ Previously made merch, if applicable.
Page, Spot, & Spread Illustrations
Get to Work zine will also compile a strategy guide for the Salmon Run gamemode. We hope to better illustrate these concepts by incorporating spot illustrations. Here's a breakdown of spots and page artist roles we'll have available.
Spread Illustrations
A spread is an illustration that spans across two pages in the book, following a horizontal orientation. These pieces are usually highly detailed and encapsulate a broader theme of the Salmon Run gamemode. Please note that due to the nature of book-binding, your piece may get cutoff on the edges and center of the piece.Page Illustrations
This is the default role for page artists. You'll be assigned a single, vertical format page in the book. Topics following a vertical format are much more plentiful compared to spreads.Spot Illustrations
Instead of creating a single-page or spread illustration, you'll instead focus on creating smaller-scale spot illustrations used to visualize different strategies in our book (approx. 10 or more). These illustrations will have transparent backgrounds and will be formatted alongside text-heavy pages by our format Mod Grapes.Page/Merch & Spot Illustrations
This role is responsible for completing a single page illustration OR merchandise assignment in addition to completing 3-5 spot illustrations for another topic. This role is best suited for those who want to contribute to multiple topics and are flexible with their schedule.
For a visual explanation of these formats, please view the guide below.
Merch artists may only sign up for Merch & Spot Illustrations. This means you'll create a piece of merch for our bundle and create spot illustrations for your assigned topic. Your spot illustrations would be formatted by Mod Grapes.Page artists may sign up for all three options (single-page, spread, or spot-only role). If a page artist signs up for a spread illustration or the spot illustrator role, they will only work on their respective pieces.If you have any questions regarding anything about submitting a portfolio or the roles mentioned above, please reach out to us. We're more than happy to help and look forward to reviewing your application!
Got a question we didn't answer? Ask us here! We'll post our response on social media in case someone else has the same question.
If you prefer to ask with complete anonymity, reach out to us here instead.